Residency Interview Preparation

Residency interviews can make or break your Match journey, and preparation is the key to success. At IMGHH, we understand the anxiety, the excitement, and the pressure that come with interview season because we have helped countless IMGs through this process. Our Mock Interview Sessions are designed to prepare you for every scenario, boost your confidence, and make you stand out as the ideal candidate.

Why Choose IMGHH Mock Interviews?

  1. Realistic, Tailored Sessions:
    • We simulate real interview scenarios based on your specialty, program preferences, and personal journey.
    • From behavioral questions to answering red flags, we guide you in each session to reflect the actual residency interview experience.
  1. Detailed Feedback:
    • After each session, we provide detailed feedback on your responses, body language, tone, and overall delivery.
    • We focus on your strengths and enable you to present your experiences in a way that shows continuous growth and willingness to learn. 
    • Our residents have been through this stage, and they know exactly what program directors are looking for in a candidate. 
  1. Specialty-Specific Preparation:
    • Whether you are applying for Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, or any other specialty, we help you anticipate and ace the most relevant questions.
    • We have residents in our team, from various specialities, who provide you with personalized feedback and guide you on your areas of improvement. 
    • Learn how to align your personal experiences, research, and skills with the unique expectations of each program. You may be a great candidate, but if you are not a great “fit” for the program, you may miss out on your chance. 


  • IMGHH provides mock interview services to help candidates improve their performance and readiness for residency interviews. While we aim to enhance your preparation, we do not guarantee interview success or residency placement.
  • Client testimonials reflect individual experiences, and results may vary based on personal performance, preparation, and program expectations.

The complete program consists of 5 sessions for a total fee of $789. 

If you prefer a shorter program, we also offer:

  • 3 sessions for $589
  • A single session for $199

Each session will be of 1 hour duration and it will be led by residents. 

Each option is designed to build your confidence and guide you in improving your interview performance. 

Contact us today to schedule your personalized mock interview sessions with IMGHH!